Wednesday, March 4, 2009

what they say about me...

1. What is something Momma always says to you?
I Love You!

I Love You!

2. What makes Momma happy?
Hugs and Kisses

When we listen

3. What makes Momma sad?
Not being good

When Daddy is not home

4. How does Momma make you laugh?
Being Funny

When your silly

5. What was your Momma like as a child?
You were like Mady

I wasn't there, but you were pretty!

6. How old is your mom?
Your a Teenager


7. How tall is your mom?
Looks at me from toe to head...about this tall(as he's measuring with his hands)

3 3/4 ft

8. What is your Momma's favorite thing to do?
Play with me


9. What does she do when you aren't around?


10. What is your Momma really good at?


11. What is she not really good at?
Shoveling snow like Daddy

Your good at everything

12. What does your Momma do as a job?
Helping People

You don't have a job

13. What is her favorite food?

Curly Mac

14. What makes you proud of your Mom?
When you clean up my room and Mady's room

That your my Momma(as she hugs me) :)

15. If she were a cartoon character, who would she be?
Nurse Flood (from Fireman Sam)

Miss. Piggy

16. What do you and your Mom do together?
Play, Cook and go to the park

We do crafts

17. How are you and your Momma the same?
We have Brown and Brown shirts on...

We both have Brown hair

18. How are you and your Momma different?
I am a Boy and you are a Girl

That I'm 6, and your not!

19. How do you know your Mom loves you?
Lays with me and reads me books at nighttime

You let me have playdates with my friends, and you let me stay up late, and you give me special bedtime kisses!

I sat with Zach and Mady and asked them each of these questions...these were their answers...


Papa said...

Number 5 is right on!!!

helen said...

So sweet! Love mady's answer about Miss Piggy! Lol

Rebecca Barney said...

That is so cute, I will ask Lucas these questions and see what he says...