We then made it over to the Pizza...fun! We made a little time for a visit with the Chimpanzees, Lemurs and Crocodiles!
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Picnic and Play
We then made it over to the Pizza...fun! We made a little time for a visit with the Chimpanzees, Lemurs and Crocodiles!
Monday, September 29, 2008
Birthday Princess
She wore her purple crown(she is in purple base...each kindergarten class is a special color) proudly ALL day! They also celebrated with PINKALICIOUS cupcakes we brought in afterwards!
Sunday, September 28, 2008
My Birthday thoughts...

but the life in your years that counts."
Adlai Stevenson
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Mady's 6th Birthday Tea Party!
Happy Birthday Mady!!!
Visit with Great Grandpa Deline
Friday, September 26, 2008
Mady's exciting day!!
Her class went to an Apple Farm today, while there they picked apples, saw baby pigs, went on a hayride, and had a picnic, and she lost her tooth!
The story was..."Momma, I bit an apple I had just picked...I thought...gosh that seed is so close...then I looked at my apple and my tooth was STUCK in it!!! One second it was there and the next it wasn't...it fell! Mrs. Hill and my friends all searched for my tooth...BUT...It was lost"!! "Momma will the tooth fairy still come?!" Yes Mady!!
Tonight we wrote a letter to the tooth fairy explaining why we didn't have the tooth...THEN this morning we found SHE DID COME!!! Fairy dust was all over Mady's Bedroom...and she left 2 silver dollars!!!!
What an exciting Day!!
...as I waited for Mady after school, Mrs. Hill came out to tell me the story of the lost tooth, I actually had to fight back tears...my little girls FIRST tooth was lost...I was so sad...some of the other Mom's looked at me like I was crazy... whats the big deal?, one said to me...O.K. so I am so not like other Moms...and GLAD... I was SAD!!! Hello People!!! It's my babies FIRST TOOTH...the first one that made that toothless gummy smile shine...and the first tooth to make her smile remind me she is growing up...too fast!! We don't have the tooth BUT we have a fabulous story...