Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Meet Ms. Apella

Today Zachary got a home visit from his new Preschool Teacher, Ms. Apella , this morning! I was actually quite surprised to hear that the school did this. It is done to meet the child in a comfortable setting for them, to get to know him and our family, and to give us the opportunity to talk to her about any questions we may have! She is a soft spoken, gentle, affectionate, warm person! Zachary gave her a big hug when she walked in our home! He also gave her a picture he drew and a rock he painted for her...she loved her gifts! She brought pictures to share with him of the classroom, playground, different rooms at the school and of some of the fun activities he will get to do in her class...including field trips, to the petting zoo, pumpkin patch and library! She even took the time to read Zach a book he brought over to show him! We are looking forward to him starting in September!

Ms. Apella and Zachary Meet
Kids waiting for her

Zachary drew her a picture
Mady wrote his name and age on it for her Zachary wanted to give her one of the rocks her painted the other day!

Ms. Apella showing Zach his classroom, the playground, and fun activities he will be doing!


Loraine said...

Wow... this is great for Zach and for you.

What an amazing commitment for the teacher and the school to make.

His teacher seems so sweet. He is going to LOVE school.

Loraine said...

The rocks look great! :-)