Friday, August 29, 2008

Special Dinner Night

Mady has had a super fabulous first week of Kindergarten! She has enjoyed everything about going to BIG GIRL school! WHEW! What a relief! Daddy came home early from work and walked over to pick Mady up from School this afternoon! She was so happy to see him! We decided to take her out and celebrate a wonderful week and kick off our 3 day weekend!
We went over to Bethesda, Maryland....about a 10 minute drive from us. A lovely little downtown area with fabulous restaurants and a great place to enjoy an evening walking around! She choose we tried a new place Uncle Julio's...Yummy!
After taking a walk we went to Barnes and Noble and just hung out reading, looking around, and playing with the fabulous train table...THEN as we were leaving ii happened!! THE MELT DOWN!!! I have been told from experienced Mommies about this melt down most kids WILL have as they transition into school! WELL, let me tell you it was over nothing really(we had to leave) and lasted until she feel asleep! CRAZY!! I have tried to prepare myself and Peter for it...NOTHING would have prepared us for this event!!!!! We tried to be very understanding of her little issue...but it took a lot of patience! We sure hope that was it...hope she got it all out...hope NEVER to experience that again...

1 comment:

Loraine said...

Gracie's having a rough time adjusting too!!! She's soooo tired and HUNGRY when she gets home...

love that Mady likes Mexican food... must be her toddler desert roots...